Friday, January 2

Los Angeles, meet L.A. Tigers

Since most of you at the L.A. show didn't know what we were talking about when we mentioned L.A. Tigers, here you are! It is (or was) on the corner of Venice and La Brea. Does anyone know if it is still there? L.A. Tigers is just what we need in these hard economic times. Hundreds of stuffed tigers, small to life-sized, some charming and docile, some ferocious and tongue-waging, all right out on the street corner. It literally looks like a tiger explosion. If this place still exists (I hope so!) you have to go check it out, if just for the LOL factor alone. Maybe all the tigers are now after-Christmas super sale priced? Who wants to bring home a giant stuffed tiger??


Anonymous January 2, 2009 at 6:32 PM  

i shall go there
i must see these tigers