Saturday, October 25

Get to Know Your NPSH: Claire

What is your astrological sign? Leo

What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
30 Rock starts Thursday!!! (I do not approve of this 'watch it early online' shenanigans)

If you could do absolutely anything today, what would it be?
Clean my room using magic.

What book are you reading?
Atonement, and when that makes me sad I switch to Chuck Klosterman.

What animal would you be if you were an animal?
This seems like a question that someone else should answer for you, unless it's actually a question of what animal you would WANT to be, and then I just don't know. But I would probably be a bunny.

Right-handed or Left-handed?
Righty tighty

Are you missing someone?

What are you craving to have right now?
the outdoors. And these products

Why do you think most guys date you?
Well I would say that most guys don’t date me, because that would be a LOOOOOOOOOT of guys.

What is your favorite piece of clothing you own?
It was my jacket until it was STOLEN. Now maybe my Cinderella dress or my Glo jeans (Not by J Lo, her clothing brand is not called Glo, that was just her first FRAGRENCE. And I think it might even have been spelled correctly)

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? If so, Who?
Scarlett Jo m0mma

What state do you think Sufjian will compose an album for next?
There was a rumor a while ago that it would be Oregon. I’m pretty sure that turned out to be not true at all, but I would like that because I am fond of Oregon.

What was the last thing you enjoyed watching on TV?
SNL ThUrSdAy WeEkEnD uPdAtE? I can't remember.

What is the number one trait you like in a guy?
A prehensile tail. Just kidding! Unless of course the guy in question is a prehensile-tailed porcupine, because then it would be at a serious disadvantage without one.

Coffee or tea?

What in the world do you least desire?
Right now, scrambled eggs.


Anonymous October 25, 2008 at 5:28 PM  

Scarlett Jo m0mma ;D

Claire's a prettier version of Scarlett. Definitely.

btw, I have a question for Claire: what's the Glistening Pleasure song you love the most?

Mine's "Confections". I also <3 Mouth Full of Bones and Ponytail.


justin c October 25, 2008 at 6:45 PM  

lawlz 30 rocks my favorite

Luke October 25, 2008 at 7:10 PM  

ya 30 rock rulz!

Travis October 26, 2008 at 7:02 PM  


Claire October 26, 2008 at 7:36 PM  

Well Nico, I love them all! I don't know, I enjoy playing Slow Motion Tag-Team live, and of course Ponytail too :)

asdfg October 28, 2008 at 1:10 PM  

i think it's safe to say that claire is infinitely cooler than me.
as is 30 rock.