Monday, December 7

BRB, Going to the Cabin

Wassup y'all? Hope your winters are going nice. (I guess it's not technically winter yet, but it feels like it!). Some people already have snow. Who has snow? Speak up! I love snow. We are making the trip to our secluded Northwest island cabin to write and record some more demos. It's gonna be fun and cozy and hopefully not too cold (the cabin has no heat and it's supposed to be in the 30s all week). We'll think of you often, and we'll still try to post some Bilbo Bloggins, but there is no internet.

This is a picture of David at the cabin last year.
Log Cabin
Cozy right? We'll see you when we get back. Whenever that may be.....



Kaitlin December 7, 2009 at 3:36 PM  

It has snowed twice in Kentucky so far.

I'm not really excited

Erik Stinson December 7, 2009 at 4:09 PM  

snow in oakland.

'Bilbo Bloggins'

that's stupid.