Monday, November 30

The Beach Boys are Weird

This vid is so not the Beach Boys I normally think of. Certainly not this:

Or even this:

Sure I "love" Pet Sounds, but my exploration with The Beach Boys never went much deeper than that. When did they turn into a creepy, wintertime, Zach Galifianakis-fronted enviro band?

It's so weird to be young and to not fully understand things, and then to have to use the Internet to piece little fragments together...


Mika Miko in Technicolor

This is stolen from the CSS Blog, but this video is oozing fun coolness.

Liam is a huuge Mika Miko fan. He has their shirt. We met them in Austin at SXSW and took time out of recording to see them in LA at Amoeba Records. Good times. So it's really sad they broke up recently. But I bet we'll see more from some of the members... I hope.


Sunday, November 29

Saturday, November 28

Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus

I'm actually watching this movie right now and i had to share it with all of you, it's crazy good, in a really terrible sort of way.

This is the ending and the final epic battle:

Ain't nothing better than terrible movies on a saturday afternoon.

- David

Shaun's pick of the Day


Liam with a belt backstage, DC9 club, Washington DC

This is waaay too real

I don't know if you've been to but it definitely has the various different "scenes" NAILED. So crazy. I've seen just about everyone of these people at some point in my life. It may be offensive, but sometimes you have to indulge in a little anthropological exploration. This scene has got to be my fav: CRABCORE.



Watch the video. For real. Wow.

Alright now go cleanse the palate.

Fox Love

So I was listening to the Fantastic Mr. Fox soundtrack today (delightful film!) and a song came on by Nancy Adams called "Love" that triggered an extreme reaction in my brain, like I was so familiar with this song from another time in my life... a simpler time... childhood. A google search revealed the reason why:

Ah yes, fox love. Very clever of Mr. Anderson to put this knowing wink of a song in the film. Go see it! So charming.


Friday, November 27

OG Capt. Kirk

Damn this guy is good. Although I've laughed at many of the things that made him famous (because they are completely ridiculous), William Shatner has been in 55 movies (8 of them about Star Trek), 76 different TV shows, and written over 10 books. But this is how I want to remember the original Captain Kirk:

(I know you've all seen this but you know it's awesome and you know you wanna watch it again)

with love,

- David

Best. Video. Ever?

I hope you all had a good postprandial slumber. Maybe a little frenzied sale shopping? To take your mind off things, I bring you this amazing video. The Muppets do Bohemian Rhapsody:

About a three-quarters of the way through watching this video I thought to myself, "This is the best video I've ever seen." That may be an overstatment or not, but I will let you decide. It is certainly an extremely delightful combo of Muppets and one of the best songs ever written. Hard to beat that.


Thursday, November 26

Shaun's Picks of the Day


sunset (6)

sunset (2)

sunset (4)

sunset (9)

Go out and enjoy the sun! Sunset, San Francisco, CA, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from NPSH

Thanksgivings Greetings from NPSH on Vimeo.

We just wanna say truly, truly, truly thank you from all of us to all of you for ultimately allowing us to do something that we love everyday, and to get the chance to connect with so many amazing people. That includes you. And hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of you in the really near future. So while we're thankful for turkey and pumpkin pie, Moog synthesizers and guitars, and all that, the best things in life are truly free, and it starts with u + me.

Let's stay together.


Wednesday, November 25

Said the man to the lady, "GIMME ALL YOUR PIXIES WRISTBANDS!"

A few days ago I TWEETED about the intense war happening in my head over which Pixies song off of Doolittle to vote for them play on Jimmy Fallon for his website. In the end, the battle was so fierce that all the songs died at the hands of each other and I simply didn't vote. But fortunately, the rest of the public ended up picking "Hey" which is great because that was in my top 3! Good job general public, thanks for not picking "Here Comes Your Man."

Somebody once told me that I am to NPSH what Kim Deal is to the Pixies, because for one thing we both play bass (even if up until this point mine has only been of the keyboard variety) and because "Ponytail" is our "Gigantic." I thought that was interesting.

Here's another Pixies related story! They played Bumbershoot in 2004 and they ran out of passes pretty quick, but I was fortunate (and early) enough to get one. Then later I was waiting in line for something and this dude came up to me and our conversation went like this:
"I will give you $30 for that wristband"

"it's not for sale"

"COME ON!!! I've been listening to the Pixies since BEFORE YOU WERE BORN!" (which is quite possibly untrue, because he didn't look that old, and I was technically alive for about half of their original band life-span)

"Look dude, just because I'm 15 doesn't mean I don't deserve to see the Pixies as much as you. You snooze you lose."

That last part is not actually what I said, instead I made a face like Woah, you're kind of rude. Now I probably wouldn't give it to you even if I didn't want to see the Pixies that bad. And then I shrugged like Sorry, pick on some other 15 year-old. I hope he found a wristband in the end.

Shaun's Pick of the day


This dog didn't even apologize. Liam had to go to to the doctor for a bad case of hurt feelings. Los Angeles, CA

Tuesday, November 24

Majesty Snowbird

Claire made me a Sufjan Stevens mix cd for me a year or two ago and this song was on it. It was also the first song i learned on the piano and it's fucking amazing.

It'll be worth the wait to buffer, trust me.

Or here's the link:

Majesty Snowbird

- David

Shaun's Pick of the Day


Harry on Harry action. Travis's apartment, Seattle, WA

Monday, November 23

Shaun's Pick of the Day


An intimate moment backstage. Vera Project, Seattle, WA


Sarah meets her doppelgänger.

All I can says is: BUMPITS


Fact Checkin' Your Fav Artist's Wikipedia Pages

I thought this was a pretty cool idea... instead of doing a traditional interview, these guys read through artists' wikipedia pages WITH the artist. It's a fun concept, because sometimes the artist and the wiki page seem so far apart, and now they are TOGETHER. And sometimes there are INACCURACIES. Rarely though, despite what your history teachers might tell you...

Here is one vid with Lupe Fiasco, where we learn he used to do karate and listens to Foreigner and Queen:

The Wikipedia Files with Lupe Fiasco from WBEZ on Vimeo

A bit long winded, but fun! More can be found by following this unfortunate
ly awkward URL:

How accurate do you think our wikipedia page is???


Sunday, November 22

Shaun's Picks of the Day



In this picture I am a modern elf. I wish I was a modern elf. I would look the same but I would have the pointy ears like I do in this pic. I also wish David was a unicorn, but an actual unicorn and he would do magical things. As for everyone else, I think they should always look as they do in these pictures. Nov 20, 3008. Seattle, WA.

Saturday, November 21



Who can say no to an all chrome ping pong table? And who cares if it seriously hinders gameplay!?

Shaun's Pick of the Day


Claire wrote this on the whiteboard in our studio while we were recording. We were mistaken about being mistaken. I think it also says "Attitude Problems" above it. Pretty cool.

Friday, November 20

Shaun's Picks of the Day

cat at the lab 2

cat and liam
Liam with a new cat friend.

*BONUS* WILD KITTEN PICS of a kitty outside a restaurant along the highway in Northern California.
kitten outside restaurant

kittens outside restaurant

(A preview of my cat calender that's in the works...)

You are now entering The Twilight Zone

I started watching this show recently. I would have watched this years ago but I always thought it was some corny old tv show that people only watched cause it was ironic. I guess that's true, but on top of being corny it can also be pretty deep (although, I could go for more aliens and less of Hitler and airplanes but I guess at the time that was what was relevant). So while the world is going batty for Twilight, I am here to bring you *The Twilight Zone.*

This is one of the most famous episodes, and it stars none other than William Shatner. There was even a Simpson's Halloween episode based on it, so you know it's good.

Rod Serling, the man behind the awesomeness that is The Twilight Zone:

Robert Pattinson, no connection to The Twilight Zone:

- David

Thursday, November 19

This blog post is a fun game! Play Cookie Monster's song while you study these pictures from the New Moon premiere very carefully.
Love, Claire

Shaun's Pick of the Day

luke pukeing

What do you do with a lot of free energy drink soda? Luke is an expert at fake barfing.
Backstage Kansas City, MO

Super Sunglasses

I've long been a huge fan of SUPER Sunglasses-- chunky, funky, tons of colors and designs-- but now they have some new glasses that are just killer. Just enough to keep the sunglasses obsession alive in the winter. Feast your nekkid eyes on these, and wish you were cool enough to be looking at the computer with these sunglasses on. Yeah.

There are tons more on their website if you wanna have a look:


Wednesday, November 18

This. Vid. Is. So. Cool

I know it was posted on love/hate Pitchfork, but pretend we are bringing you an exclusive scoop. This vid is awesome! Wtf!


This vid is awesome too. How many times does Beyonce have a wardrobe change?!? Crazyyy.


Shaun's Picks of the Day

Hotel Melee

luke sitting on liam

Pre-show boredom turns into an all out melee. We ripped the comforters off our beds, dragged them to Liam's room, and ambushed him. Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV.

Crappy Bootleg Behind-The-Scenes Footage pt 2

"Stuffed animal animation" on the set of the Ponytail video. It was unfortunately left on the cutting room floor...

Ponytail vid here:

Tuesday, November 17

Best. Sample. Ever.

I'll correct that-- this is my favorite hip-hop sample ever. The song that Toomp (the guy that made the beat for 'What you know') took the bassline from is "Gone Away" by Roberta Flack, but I believe it was originally a lick written by Donny Hathaway. And he used it a couple times before that. He knew it was just that good.

Gone Away - Roberta Flack, click on the link to listen to it. It's an amazing song but if you wanna skip to where the sample is then go to a little over half way.

Gone Away

And now for my favorite jam of 2006:

What you Know - T.I.

131 days till T.I.'s free. Party at my house march 28th!

- David

Shaun's Pic Pick of the Day


David's dog, Seattle, WA

Crappy Bootleg Behind-The-Scenes Footage

Shaun filming the "sledding" portion of the *extended* ponytail video.

Ponytail vid here:

Monday, November 16

the "Eyes" have it.

Me demonstrating one of my many talents

- David

Shaun's Pic Pick of the Day

david matching
Las Vegas, NV

We rode in this pimped out purple mess of an Escalade. David and the car created a purple fiesta, like Barney up in this bizness.

Ed. note: Today on the NPSH BLOG we are starting a new featured daily series called "Shaun's Pic Pick of the Day" in which Shaun will search through the unreleased NPSH picture archive and showcase interesting, funny, delightful, or painfully real moments from our travels and adventures. Direct from our cameras to you with love. It's pretty simple really. Come back everyday at 12:34 PM Pacific Standard Time to see what Shaun will post next!

Go Forth y'all

Have you noticed that the current Levi's TV commercials are awesome? What a refreshingly different campaign. Some poetry by Walt Whitman, read by Walt Whitman, fire, explosions, love, youth, not youth, America. Doesn't sound all that different, except for the poetry, but I dunno... it's a beautiful little "film." And it's rare for something sandwiched between closeup footage of tiny burgers and car insurance talking heads to make me feel something. This is where advertising transcends promotion and becomes... well, art, I guess (sort of).

Here's the "America (Go Forth)" spot
I like it.
Did Walt wear Levi's?

p.s. I watched a good movie on the plane about advertising, inspiration, and creativity as told by some of the legends behind some of the most well-known ad campaigns of all time, like the "Just Do It," "Got Milk," and iPod silhouette ads. The film is called Art & Copy if you're interested. It's actually pretty punk rock.


Sunday, November 15

This lil cat is at it again!

What a stealthy hunter! I want a cat like this.

Saturday, November 14

Fred and Me

Our good friend Stefan from That Go is involved in a website called Internet Archaeology. Thier purpose is to "explore, recover, archive and showcase the graphic artifacts found within earlier Internet Culture.". He recently showed me one website called Fred and Me. It's a bunch of different pictures of people with Fred Durst and it's awesome.

Here's a couple of my faves for your viewing pleasure.

Check it out here:

Also check out Internet Archeology, some of the stuff is pretty amazing:

Friday, November 13

I love red things that aren't supposed to be red (part 2)

This sweet red microKORG:

(Thanks to Kuba Kristo from Poland)

Cool old-style phone:

This wonderful tube condenser mic. Fun Fact: this is one of the primary mics we used on our album (the Avantone CV-12). It's also the mic that Taylor Swift used on alllll of her last album. True love.

This toy piano. It also says Woodstock on it.

This so-red-and-delicious Red Velvet cake. OK, so it's supposed to be red. But cake is not normally red. Look how smooth it is...

Wicked Holga camera action:
(Thanks to Andy)

Classic/lustworthy Timex 80 watch:

Young Diane Lane's face:

Previous red things post: Here.

You guys got anymore? Have we exhausted cool red things?